To learn about potential cooperations partners FFG and JSTD (Jiangsu Science and Technology Department) in cooperation with the Technology Office of the Embassy in Beijing, a Matchmaking Webinar took place on June 24h 2022. In this Online-Roundtable the two funding agencies presented the main points of the call and technology providers from both countries presented their solutions and cooperation interest.
As a follow-up to this roundtable, individual meetings with the participating companies can be arranged.
If you are interestes in bilateral contacts with chinese companies, please contact the technology office of the Austrian Embassy in Beijing.
Austrian Embassy Beijing
Technology Office
Marius Lei 雷逸杰
Technology Officer
100600 Beijing, Xiushui Nanjie 5
Tel.: +86 10 6532 9869*87
Fax: +86 10 6532 1505